The Ninth Kansas is ordered to Lawrence.
The Sam Gaty was at the Levee last evening, bound for St. Louis.
Prairie fires are doing considerable damage in Kansas this spring.
Three deaths have occurred within a few weeks from the effects of inhaling laughing gas.
Artemus Ward has arrived at Atchison, from Denver. We suppose the towns of Missouri will all have a chance of smiling at his lingual eccentricities.
The regular meeting of the Mite Society, connected with the Ladies' Aid Association, will be held this evening at the residence of Mr. Lockwood, on Walnut street, between Fifth and Sixth streets.
There is a great demand for stores and residences -- especially the latter. Fifty houses could find tenants to-day. Owners of property cannot better invest their means than by putting them in brick and mortar. Houses are greatly in demand and command high prices, and this will be the case for years to come. Our real estate owners should begin t o prepare for a large increase in population, and bring the price of their lots down to a more reasonable rate, that new comers may buy and build for themselves.