Dr. A. Timme, of St. Joseph, has purchased a three-eighth interest in the steamer Calypso. The price paid was at the rate of $36,000 for the whole boat.
Boy Wanted. -- A stout boy who wishes to learn the Confectionery business, see Charles Mayer, next to the Odd Fellows' Hall.
An extensive work in sloping the banks on Main street, has been in progress for some days.
The wife of Gen D. M. Frost, of Camp Jackson notoriety, has returned to St. Louis and taken an oath of allegiance to the Federal Government. She has considerable wealth, which is thus saved to herself and children. Gen. Frost, it is said, has left he Confederate service.
The Fanny Ogden was advertised to leave St. Louis on Sunday.
The Temperance Society of this city keeps up a successful organization. Meetings are held in the Methodist church every Friday evening A few of the citizens have given the enterprise their constant encouragement and support, but the enterprise was organized and carried on mainly by the soldiers. Capt. Hawley, of the 2d Colorado, is President of the Society. Speeches, music, and signing the pledge, constitute the programme of the meetings. Next Friday evening Capt. Hawley will deliver an address. It is expected that a select choir of ladies and gentlemen will add to the interest of the occasion by singing a variety of temperance songs.
We were shown yesterday one of Henry's repeating rifles. These guns have been in use three years, and are very popular wherever they have been tried. They are breech-loaders, and can be fired with greater rapidity than any other gun we have ever seen. Fifteen cartridges are dropped into the chamber under the barrel. A single movement of a lever throws off the exploded cap and places a fresh cartridge in the barrel, and at the same time raises the hammer ready for shooting. If the people of any town were armed with such rifles they would be good for any band of bushwhackers which might give them a call. lAn agent will offer them for sale here soon.