We are glad to see improvements going up in various parts of the city.
Chaplain Hamilton will preach in the Christian Church next Sabbath, at 10 1/2 o'clock.
Four big loads of tobacco were unloading at the tobacco factory of Messrs. Bachman & Welland yesterday. We understand they came from Clay county.
Auction sale of drugs, glassware, hardware, cigars, &c., this morning, at ten o'clock. See Kevill & Turner.
The Fanny Ogden arrived yesterday morning. She brought lots of freight for this port. Every boat running in the Missouri trade, is doing a splendid business. Freights are high and the river in fine boating stage.
The Liberty Tribune says: "We learn that Governor Hall has promoted Col. J. H. Moss, of this city, to the position of Brigadier General. No better appointment could have been made, and we trust the announcement is correct."
We learn that the clothing and other effects of two soldiers lately murdered near Lexington, are in the possession of Lieut. Wm. Kesinger, commanding the post at Lexington, from whom they can be obtained by the friends or relatives of the deceased.
Col. Ford, Lieut Col. Dodd and several other officers were out yesterday trying the merits of the new repeating rifle we spoke of a few days since. Some five shots were made, at long range, and the new gun was voted a fine affair. A regiment armed with it would be very effective.