A little rain yesterday made lots of mud, as usual.
Fine Commercial Printing executed in the highest style of the art at this office. If you want neat bill-heads, cards, circulars, &c., give us a call.
The Paola Crusader talks some of issuing a daily from its office. If sufficient encouragement is given the enterprise will be immediately undertaken.
We hear of a great deal of sickness. Scarlet fever prevails among the children; there are also a good many cases of measles. Many are complaining of sore throats. Doctors are in demand.
Capt. Case has placed upon our table a copy of the Daily Chattanooga Gazette, a spicy, ably conducted, little Union paper. It hails from the front. How the tree Press follows in the footsteps of our noble army!
On and after this morning, stages will leave this city every morning running through directly to the terminus of the Pacific railroad in one day. The mail will run to Independence twice a day -- morning and evening.
A building formerly used as a paint shop was traveling yesterday from the south part of Main street to some locality on Third street. At present it is camped at the crossing of the ravine near the brewery, effectually blockading the street. We suppose it will move on this morning.