The steamer Calypso passed up the river yesterday.
Clay Female Seminary at Liberty opened last week with ninety young ladies in attendance.
There are not as many newspapers in the whole Southern Confederacy as in the single State of Missouri.
Ice was running quite plentifully in the river yesterday. There is not much danger that it will interfere with navigation.
Lost, between Flagler's and Santer's stores on Main street, a pocket book containing between Eighty and Nninety dollars in Green backs. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to R. Feacher, Harness maker in the addition.
A great many goods were disposed of at Mr. Cook's auction room yesterday, but the supply was not exhausted. The sale will be continued to-day. Those in want of the various articles offered cannot do better than to be on hand and bid while they are going.
Surgeon J. P. Root of the 2d Kansas says, "I believe that at least one quarter of the cases of mortality that have occurred in the U. S. army west of the Mississippi, have been occasioned by the improper use of mercurials, and in my opinion Surgeon General Hammond's efforts to curtail the use of mercury in the army, entitle him to the highest mead of praise as a medical officer and philanthropist."