The steamers Emilie and New Sam Gaty arrived from St. Louis on Sunday. They went above in the evening. The Sam Gaty passed down last night. Dively, Crandell, & Co., shipped by her 150,000 pounds of pork sides, hams and shoulders.
The Pacific Railroad Locomotive, accidentally ran into the Big Muddy at Wyandot, has been got out on the track again alright. She will yet do valuable pioneer work on the railroad, in spite of the sneers of Leavenworth papers.
There will be a supper prepared by the ladies of the Kansas City Soldier's Aid Society, at Long's Hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 18th. Contributions for the tables will be left at the Hall as early as possible on Thursday morning. Tickets admitting gentleman and lady, $1.50; to be had at Matt Foster's, or at the door.
There has been for several days an extensive colored emigration passing through this city. Sunday, one train of fourteen wagons filled with men, women and children, passed through. Where they come from we do not know. Kansas was the destination for which they were aiming.
"The White Horse of the Peppers" is the title of a new and historical Irish drama to be produced this evening at the "Union." We are informed it abounds in novel incidents and thrilling situations -- faithfully depicting the stirring times of King James. A very laughable farce is also provided, in which Churchill will give you h is opinion of the people of Dixie.
We would suggest to those who have contemplated building and making improvements this Spring, that present prospects warrant permanent, first class buildings. For purposed of trade, &c., brick bu9ildings are greatly preferable to wood, and in the long run cheaper and more profitable. We shall regret to see any more wood blocks erected in the business part of town. They add to the danger from fir, and give the city a cheap temporary appearance. Good, substantial, modern-planned buildings will command high rents and increase the value of all adjoining property .