We are glad to learn that a Tri-weekly mail has been established between this city and Smithville, Clay county, via Liberty. Service will be commenced within a few days. This will be good news to our friends in Liberty, to whom this route will be a great accommodation.
House and Lot for Sale -- A three story frame dwelling house on Third street, next door east of the City Hotel, together with the lot on which it stands, are offered for sale very cheap for cash. Must be sold by the first of March. Inquiries at this office, or of Mrs. Thiele on the premises.
The Steamer A. Majors is the first of the season at this port. She came down from Weston with railroad iron for Wyandot, and some freight and passengers for this city. The Wyandots fired the cannon in token of their gladness over the arrival of the iron. The work on the railroad will recommence and we shall rejoice with our neighbors in the speedy laying of the track on the first section of the road. A large number of passengers went up on the boat, among them several of our merchants, going east to buy their spring stock. The Majors will be down again to-day, and the boating season may be considered fairly commenced.