BOY WANTED -- A good boy can find a place in our Bindery.
The 16th Kansas now numbers 800 and is fast filling up.
The Rev. E. A. Harlow will lecture at Long's Hall this evening. Subject, "Infallibility."
Steamer A. Majors will be down this morning to take up passengers and leave for Weston.
General John M. Thayer has assumed command at Fort Smith.
The funeral of Governor Gamble was attended by a very large concourse of people. Both branches of the Legislature attended.
The Union Theatre has an excellent bill for to-morrow night -- the "Irish Heiress," "Mr. and Mrs. L. W." and the "Two Buzzards." There will be no performance on Tuesday night on account of the Masquerade Ball.
Dr. Chalfant received a dispatch yesterday from Senator Van Horn, saying that it was his opinion, and the opinion of those best informed, that the Governor would sign the Railroad Bill. Good!
The Christian ordinance of Baptism was observed by the Colored Baptists of this city yesterday. Six persons, three men and three women, were immersed. The ceremony took place in the river a short distance west of the Gillis House. A great crowd stood upon the banks and witnessed the immersion. The ice running in the stream and the chilly air would have deterred anyone not influenced by strong motives, from going in the water, and the candidates gave much expression to their joyful emotions.