A gang of men were at work yesterday repairing Wyandot street.
Gen. R. B. Mitchell has been appointed to the command of the Post at Fort Leavenworth.
Many of our merchants received large additions to their stocks of goods by river yesterday.
The old life and animation, business and bustle, is again apparent on the levee.
The Macadamized road between this city and Westport, is being thoroughly repaired.
Doubtless there will be a rush to-night to see the American Champion in his ring costume for the sparring exhibition. Tickets for secured seats can be had at the Commercial House, and at the Union Hotel. Those desiring a good seat should go early.
Doubtless there will be a rush to-night to see the American Champion in his ring costume for the sparring exhibition. Tickets for secured seats can be had at the Commercial House, and at the Union Hotel. Those desiring a good seat should go early.
The Chamber of Commerce meets this evening. Let all members and businessmen attend.
Hon. M. J. Payne arrived home yesterday, by boat. Mr. Payne has laid his constituents under many obligations by the industry and ability he displayed in assisting to pass the railroad bill. He was justly regarded as one of the most sagacious and effective members for that important measure.
There will be a free supper given to Co. E, 2d Colorado Cavalry, on Tuesday evening, March 1st, by the citizens of Westport. It is also the re-opening of the Virginia House by Mr. A. Stephens. This speaks well for the reviving interests of Westport, and such an expression adds much to strengthen the arm of the weary soldier. We recommend a hearty co-operation by all, and give them a welcome reception, and we will assure you a strong arm of protection.