The Eighth Kansas is home on a furlough.
Tickets for the Reception Ball can be had of R. Salisbury, at the Post Office; also, at the door tonight.
Wanted, immediately, at the Union Hotel, a chambermaid and a pantry girl. To competent persons good wages will be paid.
The attention of those interested is directed to Maj. Williams' Order prohibiting the sale of liquor to enlisted men. Good citizens will obey its provisions cheerfully.
Something entirely new, and very beautiful, in the way of spring goods, can be seen at Coates & Bullene's; they having just received a fine lot, highly stylish and very attractive.
Capt. Case is prepared to pay his own vouchers, except for forage and horses, in certificates of indebtedness. The vouchers must be presented in amounts not less than one thousand dollars.
Lieut. Col. Townsend, Medical Inspector, U. S. A., is in town for the inspection of the hospital removed from this city to Westport. The Colonel is on a tour of inspection in this Department and in Kansas.
Capt. West, now stationed at Independence, called upon us yesterday. The Captain is looking well -- even better than when he used to wield the pen in the valley capital of Colorado. He makes a good officer, and is among the printer-soldiers to whom we wish a promotion.
One Hundred Recruits wanted for a Battalion of Light Hussars. This is a fine opportunity for active young men to enlist in the cause of their country. The first company of the Battalion is already filled at St. Louis, and it is hoped the other companies will be filled by the 10th of March.