The City One Blaze of Light!
Streets Crowded and Jubilant!
Kansas City was jubilant last night over the great Pacific Railroad bill, the law that secures her an early railroad, and opens a new era in her commercial existence. She has waited, and waited -- but she waits no longer. She springs into a new being, and with strengthened sinews, she commences the march that will ultimately place her at the goal of commercial prosperity. With a direct railroad connection with eastern trading and eastern capital, she will grow in face and affluence; and with a rich and rapidly increasing population, become the great metropolis of the west.
The city was one blaze of light -- private as well as business houses being lit up in fine stile. Bonfires blazing throughout the streets, lit up the distance hills, while lights flashed from the suburbs. The Levee was brilliant, and the reflection of many brilliant lights glanced from the rolling Missouri. Main Street was in gala trim, with lights, transparences, bonfires and fireworks, and crowded with a moving mass of people, jubilant over the occasion. At intervals the "deep mouthed cannon" thundered upon the ear, and their echoes died away among the hills of Clay.
About half past eight, the crowd gathered around the Union Hotel, and were addressed by several gentlemen. Mr. Hovey, of Independence, lead off in his own solid and interesting manner, and was listened to with marked attention, and repeated applause. Col. Hoyt followed, in a happy vein, making some fine hits, and drawing many plaudits from his crowded hearers. Capt. J. C. W. Hall was called out, and spoke for a few minutes, and was succeeded by several others. The speaking was going on when we left, and at a late hour the citizens dispersed, well pleased with themselves and their prospects.
It was a night that will long be remembered the glory of which was felt by all. It will be a signal for renewed energy, harmonious enterprise, and strengthened hopes; and will be followed by increased trade, new business houses, and a liberal expenditure for city improvement. The prosperity of Kansas City has become a fixed fact, and our people will act accordingly. There will be no more fear, but confidence will characterize each movement, and give new impetus to the wheels of commerce. And this status of affairs will invite immigration and capital, and hasten on the work of progression.
The steamers Calypso, Live Oak, and Marcella, were advertised to leave St. Louis on the 9th and 10th.
The tri-weekly mail from this city to Smithville, ahs commenced its trips. The mail leaves here at 8 A. M. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, by way of Liberty.
The members of the 2d Colorado will give another of their pleasant hops tonight. Refreshments at the house of T. M. Smedley, Main street, three doors north of Third. A general attendance is requested.