We regret to be obliged to record the death by burning of a little daughter of Mr. Cammel, residing in the east part of the city. Mr. Cammel has been in Colorado for about a year, and was expected home yesterday. His little daughter, eight or ten years of age, in anticipation of her father's return, had dressed herself with special care. She was busying herself about the stove when by some accident, her clothes took fire. She ran out doors and attempted to go to a neighbor's where her mother had just gone. She did not get assistance until her clothes were nearly burned off from her, and she was so terribly injured that she died in an hour.
A dog believed to have been mad was killed in the city yesterday. Several other dogs were bitten by him. He seized a boy by the arm but fortunately the skin was not broken. Some action should be taken to protect citizens against the fearful danger which prevalence of this distemper among the dogs of the city would create. In most well regulated cities dogs are not allowed to run at large without being muzzled. If there is as much danger as some apprehend it would be well for the city Council to take action in regard to the matter.
Chaplain Hamilton, of the Colorado 2d, has shown us some fine mineral specimens from Colorado. Among them are many varieties of precious stones, and a specimen of very pure native alum. The alum rock, whence this was obtained, prevails in great abundance., No doubt, the mineral richness of Colorado has but just begun to be revealed.
We were unavoidably detained from attending Col. Newgent's speech night before last, but we hear the remarks of our townsman were very highly spoken of. Like the Col. himself, they ere practical, patriotic, and up to the times.
A rare bill is offered to-night at the Union -- one calculated to dispel ennui and send everybody home in good humor with themselves and the "rest of mankind." Give them a call and get rid of the blues.
Preaching in Westport to-morrow morning at 10 1/2 o'clock, by the Rev. A. H. Powell. Chaplain Hamilton will preach in the Christian Church, next Sabbath, at half past ten o'clock, A. M.