The thermometer marked 15 degrees below zero at sunrise yesterday morning.
An officer had his ears, nose and face slightly frozen riding from Westport to this city yesterday morning.
Mr. Ch. H. Vincent found a sabre on Main street, which he will be pleased to return to the owner if he will call for it.
No Eastern mail yesterday. If we could have a regular weekly mail it would be quite an advantage over the facilities we have enjoyed lately.
The river and ponds adjacent to our city have been thronged daily with men and boys skating, since the ice has been strong enough to bear . It is certainly a very pleasant as well as healthful exercise. But as far as we know, there has not been a lady seen on ice skating this winter. In the East in every city and village the ladies and girls take part in this innocent and pleasant pastime. We do not know that the ladies in this part of the country are any less apt to acquire the art, or that eastern ladies have superior tact, only as they have acquired it by practice. Why should not the ladies of this vicinity learn to skate? There are as pretty, smart, young, wide-awake, fun-loving women here as ever there were in any country, and we don't know why they can't learn as much as "any other man." It might not be amiss to have the matter tested. There is certainly a fair opportunity now for those who may wish to make a venture.
A young lad thirteen years of age, came to this city a few days since in destitute circumstances looking for work. He was too young and inexperienced to know how to find a place for himself, and too timid to make his condition known. He might have suffered if he had not fallen under the observation of Captain Killen, who took him to his boarding house with him, supplied his wants and learned his history. He was made an orphan by Quantrell's murders at Lawrence. His father was a laboring man, and not a dime in money or property was left for support of the boy. He is now suffering severely from a bad wound upon the back of his head, occasioned by a fall upon the ice. He is certainly an object of charity, and something must be done for his relief immediately. He would be a valuable errand boy or could make himself useful in doing light jobs about a store or shop. If any one is willing to give him a home he can call at this office or upon Capt.. Killen.
At the corner of Main and Fifth streets they keep a fine assortment of queensware, glassware, table and pocket cutlery, wood and willow ware, dried green and preserved fruits, groceries and provisions of all kinds, tobacco, cigars, liquors, and ten thousand other articles that everybody buys. To those who wish to buy cheap goods, and just what they want, let them go to Isaiah Walker & Co.'s Lockridge building, and they cannot help being suited.
This paper is happy to announce to the patrons of the Journal of Commerce that we have just added to our establishment a first class Book Bindery, and are prepared to execute all kinds of binding, blank book making, ruling, &c., in the best style. This department is under the charge of one of the best binders in the whole Western county, and we guarantee entire satisfaction.