All the soldiers of the 7th Kansas have agreed to re-enlist as veterans.
Dr. Deming, Surgeon of the Fifteenth, is lying dangerously ill at Fort Leavenworth.
The meanest man in the world has been found. He runs the Weston Ferry. So say the Times and Bulletin.
We have again to report "no eastern mail yesterday." We have been disposed to find fault with this long delay of the mail, but perhaps it is unavoidable. The difficulty is on the railroad lines. The stage is making regular trips from here to Sedalia, but here has been no train through on the Pacific road for five days.
We learn that Mr. Gillmore, of Clay county, freed his last slave yesterday. The "Boy" came to this city. He is a bright, intelligent appearing fellow and seems to feel capable of taking care of himself. Mr. Gillmore offered him a fine mule when he left, but he declined it, saying his freedom was all he wanted.
This is good weather for laying in a supply of ice for the sweltering days of July and August. We are glad to see our ice men improving it.
The headquarters of the 18th United States infantry, colored, have been removed from Wyandot to this city. Company "A" of this regiment is nearly full. They are comfortably quartered in a brick building on Main street.
Major Phillips with two companies of the Missouri 11th arrived here Tuesday night. It will be remembered that they left in September to escort the Arizona territorial officers through to Santa Fe. On the return they have been exposed to all the severe weather we have had during the past few weeks. They have had a hard time of it. We are sorry to learn that a soldier belonging to one of the companies of the11th Missouri, which arrived from the plains on Tuesday, was frozen to death between here and Lawrence. Others were more or less frost bitten.
The National Theatre will be open tonight for the Complimentary Benefit of Chas. F. Walters, on which occasion an excellent bill is offered. The dramatic troupe of the 2nd Colorado will appear, together with the famous Acrobats, making the entertainment both rare and varied.