No Eastern mail yesterday.
Mr. R. R. Dunbar has become one of the proprietors of the Union Hotel.
A portion of the chairs and spikes for the railroad, arrived at Wyandot by team on Saturday.
A dog convention was held on Third street last night. Harmony did not prevail, but howlin did. Of what possible use are the hundreds of worthless curs that fill our streets?
Two prisoners, bushwhackers, escaped from the Post Guard House, at Leavenworth, on Thursday night. The harsh cold had caused a partial withdrawal of the guard.
The employees of the Pacific Railroad Eastern Division, on New Year's day, got up an agreement by which all who signed, agreed for every profane word uttered during the year 1864, they should pay one dollar for the benefit of the soldier's aid fund. We wish they pledge could be generally signed through the community and that the terrible profanity which grates upon the ear from every quarter might be silenced. A member of the 15th Kansas who was reading a copy of the pledge mentioned, remarked taht if the officers of his regiment could be induced to sign such a pledge, a fund would be raised large enough to support every soldier's family in the regiment as long as the war lasts.
A sentinel was found partially frozen, and bound in the fatal sleep, caused by exposure, at Leavenworth on Thursday night. He was quickly attended to, and will recover.
Long's Hall was filled last night with an appreciative audience to listen to the concert given for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. The band of the Kansas 11th was present and played splendidly, as they always do.
The "cold spell" prevails all over the country. At the East railroad trains are delayed, passengers suffer and the exposed soldiers are frozen, to an extent unknown in former winters. In this latitude such extreme weather is not expected, and doubtless it is causing much suffering We fear there are many families in the city who cannot keep the icy breath from their cheerless ho mes. Let the hand of charity seek out and succor the deserving poor.
The Military Postoffice, at Headquarters, does an extensive mail business; frequently as many letters pass through it as through our city postoffice. Two messengers are sent out in different directions every morning. Most if not all the Military Posts in the districts get by these messengers their daily mail. Mr. Fairfield, Postmaster at Headquarters, keeps himself informed of the location of the various regiments and companies, and forwards al matter for officers and soldiers without delay. the arrangement of mail matters for the convenience of these in the service, seems to be about perfect.