Teams were allowed to cross the new bridge at Lawrence, yesterday.
Captain Ross, commanding at Lawrence, closed by a Special Order all the places in the city where Liquor was sold.
The milder weather yesterday made business on the streets much more lively than for several days past.
The meeting on Friday evening to celebrate the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, was one of the biggest and most enthusiastic ever held in Kansas City. At an early hour, the Methodist Church was filled to overflowing. A large number of ladies were present and manifested the deepest interest in the proceedings. The band of the 11th Kansas enlivened the exercises with most magnificent music. The meeting was organized by appointing M. T. Graham, Esq., of Westport, President, and Judge Boreman and Capt. Van Dorn, of this city, Secretaries. Chaplain Cline made an opening prayer. Speeches were made by Gen. Ewing, T. D. Thacher, Judge Carpenter, Lieut. Col. Hoyt, Mr. Holden and Capt. Case. Our limited space prevents even an abstract of the various speeches. It is sufficient to say, that for n early three hours the enthusiasm of the meeting never flagged, and that the most earnest enunciations of loyalty and devotion to the cause of freedom were hailed, with most hearty applause.
Our telegraphic dispatches this morning are very meagre owing to some difficulty with the lines east of St. Louis.
The Tenth Kansas Volunteers left for Alton, Ill., yesterday. The regiment halted in front of Headquarters and was addressed by General Ewing. It is a splendid regiment, always ready for duty, and will give a good account of itself wherever it is sent. We were sorry to see them start out in the long march to Sedalia in this inclement weather, but the boys started off with a brave, cheerful step that would defy wind and weather. There was a rumor in the regiment that they were to be sent, to Grant's army, a prospect which seemed to give the highest satisfaction. They want to go where fighting is to be done and glory won.
Prof. Roof will give a grand vocal and instrumental concert at Long's Hall to-morrow night, assisted by the best amateur talent in this city. The programme is good, and we trust will draw a large house. Tickets can be bought at the Post Office.
Mr. S. M. Thatcher will in the future act as assistant Editor of this paper, having control mainly of the local and news department.