The weather yesterday was delightful. Soft airs of sunny Italy were "no where" in comparison with the gentle breeze that floated the livelong day through Main street.
Col. Chas. Carpenter, of this city, formerly of the "Jessie Scouts," is now with Gen. A. Lee's command, Banks' Department.
Eby & Son have just opened their Photograph rooms, over Hamerslough Bros.' dry goods store. Those desiring to secure the shadow ere the substance fade, we recommend them to Eby & Son.
Lieut. Harper's sale of condemned Government horses at Independence on Tuesday, went off very successfully. The prices realized were better than such stock usually brings. The horses sold at the average price of $48.71 each.
Our colored friends are having a goodly gathering at the Baptist Church every night this week, where they have been preaching, praying and singing. From the largeness of the attendance, and deep interest shown by the participants, we judge the good work in progressing among our emancipated brothers.
A portion of the 2d Colorado regiment, with its gallant Colonel, arrived yesterday. Our old friend, Capt. J. C. W. Hall, called upon us, and the pressure of his soldier band brought back many happy pleasant scenes, many happy "smiles," when we used to shoot "paper bullets" in the "City of the Arkansas." Captain Hall is no carpet knight, but has seen service, and richly deserves the "bars" he wears so gracefully.
Captain Lucas, of the Kansas 6th, who has command of the recruiting of black soldiers, with headquarters at Wyandot, was over yesterday and drew arms for a full Co. of the 18th U. S. Infantry of African descent. They received Enfield rifles captured from the rebels at Vicksburg. We are told that enlistments for this regiment are very rapid.
A fine job was done on Main street yesterday. A large force was engaged carting off the dirt and rubbish which has accumulated during the winter. The improvement in the appearance and comfort of the street is so apparent, that every one will favor the completion of the job. We suggest that the street may be kept in better order, if it is not to be used for a wood yard and a general depository for waste trash.