Company L of the 15th Kansas starts for Fort Scott to-day.
A big load of dressed poultry was brought in from the country last evening. One of our dealers paid fifty dollars for the lot.
The ice which is being stored is in splendid condition, clear as crystal and solid as rock. It is over a foot in thickness.
Capt. Aseph Allen, of the Kansas Ninth, is in town attending the Court Martial now in session. A part of his company at present is in the city.
The boys have fine fun coasting near the foot of Main street. They have got the bill so slippery that it is a daring venture for a footman to attempt to go to the Levee and back again.
The slight taste of Eastern mail which we received Thursday did not prove to be the first course to a full feast, but merely a lunch to stay the appetite for a more prolonged famine.
We regret to learn of the death of Major Deming, Surgeon of the Fifteenth Kansas, which occurred at Fort Leavenworth on Wednesday night. The Doctor had been sick for some time, but was reported better. He was a man of fine attainments and generous character.
The severity of the winter thus far is verifying the instinct of the beaver and other animals, which made provision last fall for extremely cold weather, and also confirms the reliability of "signs" relied upon by weather prophets. We record now, predictions which old settlers are making of high water next spring. It is said that there is more snow in the mountains than there has been any winter before, since the great flood of 1844, when the water in the Kansas river raised 37 feet, and flooded the whole Kaw valley. Probably the vast amount of snow in the mountains will insure a fine boating season on the Missouri river.