The citizens of Kansas City and vicinity will celebrate the first Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation of Liberty -- issued January 1st, 1863, by Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by a public meeting at the Methodist Church today at 7 o'clock p. m. Brigadier General Ewing, Lt.-Col. Van Horn, Judge Carpenter, Col. Coates, Captain Case, T. D. Thatcher, Esq. and others have been invited to make speeches on the occasion. One of the military bands will be in attendance and discourse excellent music. Ladies are invited to attend.
New Years is a holiday among the disciples of Faust; ergo, there will be no paper published tomorrow morning.
The Citizens' Ball in honor of our military was one of which they may well be proud. Long's Hall was crowded to excess. The exhibition of rich and elegant costumes have never been surpassed in this city, and the beauties they adorned were never out in greater force. Among the distinguished guests we noticed General Ewing, Lt. Col. Van Horn, Maj. Carpenter, Hon. M. J. Pay ne, Col. McGee, Captain Case and numerous other prominent officers. The attendance of citizens was very large, about one hundred couple being present, and the harmony and good feeling that prevailed will long characterize the citizens' ball as one of hte most successful parties ever held in Kansas City.
LOST -- At Long's Hall, Wednesday night, a Lady's Cloth Cloak. The Cloak was probably taken by mistake. Information can be left at the Office, or at Post Office, or with H. R. Kelso.
FOUND -- Near Westport, a sack containing some articles of value. Call on Robert Hunter in McGee's Addition, Kansas City.
LOOK OUT FOR COUNTERFEITS! Not only of bank bills, but of every thing truly valuable. We understand that even the indispensable articles known as "Family Dye Colors" are no exception to this rule. The imitations, like all counterfeits, are utterly worthless. Remember that Howe and Stevens' Family Dye Colors are the original, the only valuable and useful thing of the kind.
We are under obligations to Samuel Hallett, Esq., for a railroad map of the United States, showing the location of the Union Pacific Railroad and its connecting lines. It represents to the eye most forcibly the transcendent importance of this great work. The map is also valuable for having upon it the latest civil divisions of our country -- the State of West Virginia, and the Territories of Colorado, Arizona, Dakotah, Idaho, &c., together with the population and number of acres of each State and Territory in the Union.