T. DWIGHT THACHER, Editor and Proprietor.

Wednesday, September 28, 1864.

     Major Ransom is now at Paola, Kansas, acting as President of a Court Martial.

     Gen. A. J. Smith has been presented with a magnificent sabre, by his St. Louis friends.

     Business was lively yesterday.  A large number of Southern Kansas merchants were in town buying their fall stocks.

     We had a fine rain Monday night, which laid the dust, and made the atmosphere pleasant and cool.

     PARTY AT HICKMAN'S MILLS. -- Company A, 2d Colorado, gave a party at this place last Monday evening.  The Colorado string band was in attendance and discoursed most excellent music.  All were pleased, and the party passed off well.  The citizens of Hickman's Mills regret very much the departure of Company A.

     No eastern mail again yesterday.  The boat not coming down, we understand, was the cause.

     We understand that the 77th Regiment of the E. M. M. has been ordered to be in readiness for active service.

     FORT SMITH. -- The latest news we have from this point in Arkansas, is that the troops there are on half rations and likely to be reduced to quarter rations; forage is exhausted, nearly all the cavalry is without horses, and matters generally look gloomy.

     We regret to see in the Baldwin City (Kansas) Observer, the death of Mrs. Warren, wife of C. T. Warren, Esq.  Mr. Warren was for some months connected with the Quartermaster's Department in this city under Captain Lloyd.  Mrs. Warren was a most estimable Christian woman.