Thornton is in command of the rebels in Clay and Platte. Quantrell is said to be back and with them.
No news was received yesterday up to the hour of our going to press, from the Military Expedition across the river, except a report that the rebels were in strong force, well mounted and armed.
Never was the blessed rain more welcome than when it came down so bountifully night before last. the parched earth drank it up greedily, and vegetation rejoiced under its reviving influence. It was worth millions of dollars to all the growing crops in this region. the drought may now fairly be said to be broken.
But little cotton has been planted in Kansas this year. farmers are more and more turning their attention to stock raising. It pays better than any other business in the state.
NEW FIRM. -- Mr. Hahner, of the late firm of Hahner & Ellenberger, has formed a co-partnership with E. Blauw, in the grocery business, and the firm will be known as Hahner & Blauw. They will keep at all times a full assortment of choice family groceries, which will be sold at the lowest cash figures. give them a call, Main street, west side, between Fifth and Sixth.
St. Joseph is running military matters about as heavy as we did here some few weeks since. On last Saturday an order was issued, by General Fisk, suspending all business and requiring the citizens to immediately organize themselves into companies for the defense of the city. Persons in sympathy with the rebellion upon filing an oath to that effect with the Post Commander, were excused from service.
From the St. Joseph Herald, on the 10th: A dispatch was received night before last by General Craig that Weston was surrounded by guerrillas. The report created, naturally, considerable excitement, and suggested the propriety of immediate action here. We have learned, however, that Weston had not been attacked, but that the guerrillas were in that neighborhood in considerable force, and were working their way in this direction. We firmly believe that St. Joseph is in nightly danger of an attack, and the more vigilance we manifest the wiser we will be. We are pleased to know that our citizens have so promptly responded to the call, and are ready to defend their homes against a relentless and savage force.