The Santa Fe Stage rolled out yesterday with a full load of freight and several passengers.
The bushwhackers entered Parkville night before last and killed one man and wounded a woman, captured and disarmed the militia there, robed the stores and plundered generally and left. How long, oh how long?
CAPT. KEMPER, commanding the company at Liberty, was ambushed by the bushwhackers at Fishing river and two of his men killed and himself and one other soldier wounded.
BRIGADIER GENERAL TOTTEN, Chief of Cavalry on Rosecrans' Staff, arrived in town yesterday evening. Also, Colonel Ford, Major Prichard, Dr. Akin and Captain Cook, Quartermaster of the 2d Colorado.
The corner stone of a new M. E. Church was laid in Lawrence on the 4th, with appropriate ceremonies. The building is to be forty-five by ninety feet on the ground, to be carried up twenty-four feet of brick wall above the water tables. A fine tower is to be built in front, over one hundred feet in height. The Tribune says, when this building is completed, it will be one of the best church buildings in Kansas.
Captain Gildersleve, of the Minnehaha, gave our citizens a banquet night before last on the boat, where she was lying at the Railroad Landing. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen of t his city availed the themselves of the opportunity. They danced all night, and came home on the boat in the morning. It was, no doubt, a pleasant experience.
A good book-binder can find immediate employment at this once.
Prof. Tombes has sold the "Liberty Female College" to Rev. E. D. Dalin, and is about to open a school in Weston.
Gen. Scott has just finished the memoir of his life and times. It will be an exceedingly interesting work.
The new front which Hammerslough Bros. have been putting up to their store is now finished, and is a very fine improvement of their property. By lowering the floors to the grade of the street, they have secured two of the most roomy, comfortable and desirable sales rooms in the city. This firm deserved great credit for the confidence and enterprise in making these improvements in the midst of the stormy times through which the border is passing.
The Commencement Exercises of the Missouri State University closed on the 28th. The exercises are highly spoken of. Dr. Edward F. Berkley, of St. Louis, delivered the address before the literary societies, and Henry Clay Cockerill, of Glasgow, before the alumni. The next term commences on the third Monday in September, 1864.