Saloonkeepers and their numerous patrons will read the military circular with profound satisfaction. The blockade has been raised.
The weather was cool and pleasant yesterday. A fair business was transacted in the principle kinds of produce and merchandise. We are having delightful moonlight nights, and promenaders seem to enjoy them hugely.
Lieut. George A. Daggett, of the 40th Missouri infantry, has been temporarily assigned to duty as Acting Aide de Camp to the Major General commanding the department.
W. H. King, of Liberty, Clay county, Mo., has been released on parole, in St. Louis, and bond for $2,000 to appear for trial w hen called for.
Be sure and get a ticket for the prize at Long's Hall, Tuesday night, a fine Gold Watch. Adam's String Band will be in attendance for the Social Party. Tickets for sale at the postoffice.
CANVASS. -- The 138th Illinois Regiment is stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and numbers 809 men all told. It was recently canvassed by companies with this result: For Lincoln, 739, all others, 70.
BEWARE OF MUSHROOMS. -- A family in Ranson's Addition were poisoned a day or two since by eating Mushrooms. Fortunately they took an over dose so that the poison acted as an emetic and no lives were lost. Better discard Mushrooms altogether.