The river is up, in splendid boating condition.
Another New Mexican train was rolling out yesterday.
FOUND. -- A pocket-book containing so me money has been found and left at this office. The owner will please call, prove property, pay charges, and take away.
The boat will be down with the circus this morning. According to all accounts we should have rain with the circus. We hope it may be so.
ALL QUIET BELOW. -- News from below reports the bushwhackers pretty much cleaned out of this county. It is supposed the main portion of them have crossed the river and gone north.
The Union Pacific Railroad is fast approaching completion to Lawrence. Preparations are being made to run freight and passenger cars immediately. It stands our merchants in hand to be prepared to supply a large trade from that direction.
The Santa Fe Stage rolled out promptly on time yesterday, with a big load of freight and a fair compliment of passengers.
Bradley Barlow's Wool House is doing a fine business again this year. . We were in a few minutes yesterday and saw the process of bailing going on. The House makes 7 varieties in the wool as purchased from the Mexicans. It has bought some 30,000 pounds since the season opened, and is receiving more almost daily. Mexican wool commands in this market about 30 cents -- some extra lots 32 cents.
CLAY COUNTY BUSHWHACKERS. -- We learn that the bushwhackers and their troops had a collision near Centreville, in Clay county, day before yesterday. they went to a man's house and ordered his family to get breakfast for them, and, on being refused, threatened them with death. The meal was got and just as they were setting down to it, a squad of soldiers rode up and pitched into them, dispersing them in all directions. whether any of them were killed or wounded, we were unable to learn.
The Pacific Railroad Company advertise for one hundred hands to work on the grading from Lawrence eastward. There is now no longer any doubt that Lawrence is to be made a point on the road. The cars now run within thirteen miles of the end of the Lawrence bridge, and the track is being laid at the rate of three fourths of a mile per day.