T. DWIGHT THACHER, Editor and Proprietor.

Saturday, August 13, 1864.

     The Kate Kinney passed down yesterday, with a fair load for Saint Louis.  The steamer Montezuma came up  yesterday, with a good load of freight for this place and points above.

     Yesterday was a sorry commingle of rain and sunshine. Sunshine has got to be a drug in this market -- everybody hungers, thirsts and prays for rain.

     The Clay County Court offers a bounty of $299 to every three years' recruit to the United States service.

     ALL QUIET IN JACKSON.  -- The past week have been rather an unusually quiet one in this county -- no jayhawking, thieving, rioting or disgraceful conduct, as far as we have been able to learn.

     The packet came down yesterday, loaded with goods for this place.  Among the passengers, we noticed Mr. Briggs, who has returned from the East, where he has been buying a heavy stock of goods.

     No Eastern Mail came yesterday -- the train failing to connect with the packet.  We understand that the engineer got so deeply engaged in a part of Somnambulus, that he let the cars run off the track at Atchison station.

     ACCIDENT. -- A. J. Anthony, one of the conductors of the Santa Fe line, accidently shot himself yesterday.  He was handling his pistols in the office when one of them dropped out of the holster, fell upon the hammer, and went off, the ball passing through his leg.  It was fortunate that the injury was no worse.

     The St. Joe Herald says:  "Col. Catherwood, the post commander at Liberty, writes by last mail to Gen. Fisk, that in the last week he has killed over fifty guerrillas.  He has on hand a few prisoners, who have not yet attempted escape.  A company of seventy-five guerrillas were seen a few miles from Platte City, two or three days since.

     SCHOOL NOTICE. -- Miss Mary F. Hawkins will open a school  for young ladies and small boys in the basement of the Baptist Church, September 5th, 1864.
        Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography and Grammar......$10
        History, Botany, Algebra, Philosophy, Astronomy, Geometry, &c. ..... $13
     No deductions made only in cases of protracted sickness. One half the tuition fee will be required in advance.  For further particulars apply to D. L. Shouse, Esq.