Strawberries were fifty cents a quart yesterday in this city.
We heard of some large bills sold to New Mexican traders by our merchants yesterday. As in former years, the great bulk of the New Mexican business is done at this city, and always will be until railroads shall carry it farther west. Trains have been arriving and departing daily for several weeks.
A portion of Main street, between Second and Third streets, was thoroughly swept and the rubbish removed yesterday. The work was set in motion by Judge Toler, the business man along the street contributing to pay for it. Gentlemen of the City Council, and others whose duty it should be to see that teh streets are kept in order, will please not credit themselves nor be credited by others with any part of this work. Residents on other parts of the street would do well to follow the example.
From the Leavenworth Conservative, May 31. -- Yesterday afternoon Lieut. Neely, commanding the Provost Guard, arrested two bushwhackers on the steamer Paragon, which arrived from Kansas City about 4 o'clock. The men's appearance betrayed them. They were both dressed in genuine butternut suits, and one of them had a severe wound in the left foot. They gave their names as T. C. Anderson and George Warren, of Platte county, Mo. They stated that they had been attacked by bushwhackers near Kansas City, and it is surmised that they belong to George Tod's band, and were in the recent skirmish with the Colorado solders, near Independence. They are ugly looking scalawags, and have been taken to the Fort, where they will be detained for identity.
The steamer Louisville sunk in the Missouri river, a few days ago, at a point about five miles low of Decatur, Nebraska. She was loaded with valuable goods for the Yellowstone region, Idaho, &c., by several firms of St. Louis. Probably all the cargo was insured.
One hundred and eighty cans and several kegs of powder were found secreted on the premises of farmers a few miles from St. Joseph one day last week. The persons upon whose premises the powder was found have been arrested and committed to jail.
The eastern mail arrived yesterday via the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, in accordance with orders telegraphed by Col. Foster a few days since. As soon as it became evident that the mail would be liable to interruption on the Pacific rail road route, the Col. telegraphed to have it sent the other way. His promptness in the matter has saved the community from much annoyance which must otherwise have suffered.