A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock at the Mechanics Bank. Business of importance is to be transacted. -- K. COATES, President.
A fine new omnibus makes four trips daily between this city and Wyandot. It is a convenience to the citizens of both places.
"Cure Your Corns." -- Dr. Kennedy, of Cincinnati, a celebrated doctor for the relief of corns, bunions, chilblains, moles, &c., is stopping at the Hamm House. We learn that he is very successful in his branch of surgery and would advise any of our readers who may need his services to give him a call.
The Santa Fe stage came in last evening with a full load of passengers. A safe and pleasant trip was made. No difficulty encountered from Indians. But few were seen.
General Brown received telegraphic dispatches late on Friday night, which caused him to instantly leave with his escort for below. What the nature of the dispatches were we have been unable to learn. Various rumors are afloat, but they are mere rumors. One is that Shelby is trying another raid. Probably something is "up" below which requires immediate attention.
WANTED. -- To employ a Mexican who understands English. For further particulars enquire at the Journal of Commerce office.