The Fair will be opened at the Market House at 10 o'clock a.m., and continue through Friday.
All goods for the Fair should be on hand at the Market House this morning by 9 o'clock.
The members of the various committees of the Sanitary Fair, should be at the Market House, by 9 o'clock this morning.
SPECIAL NOTICE: -- We are requested to state that there will be no admittance to the Fair room this morning, until the h our of opening the Fair, except for the various committees engaged in arranging the room and putting up articles. Spectators will merely be in the way, and are requested not to come.
The musicians and actors in the tableaux vivants rehearsed last evening in Long's Hall the programme adopted for to-morrow evening. We think we can promise our citizens a rare and excellent entertainment. The performers, of course, do not pretend to the finish of professional artists, but there will be enough to amuse and entertain and to make the evening pass agreeably. We look for a large turnout.
A better selection of a room could not have been made than the Market House for the Fair. We dropped in a few moments yesterday afternoon and found it being fitted up splendidly. The Room Committee have secured a profusion of evergreens, flowers, flags, &c., and the decorations of the room are really fine. When the goods are all in, anda the whole thing in shape, the appearance will be most attractive.
Some beautiful paintings are on exhibition at the Sanitary Fair -- some donated to the Fair, and others loaned. They will pose an attractive feature.
Joseph Butcher & Co., who kindly gave up their meat stall in the Market House for the use in the Sanitary Fair will use the basement of the Court House to sell beef during the fair.