The Fair continues at the Market House, open at 10 o'clock, a. m. In the evening a Grand Concert and Tableaux entertainment at Long's Hall. Admission, 50 cents.
The ground was white with frost yesterday morning. Not much damage was done, however, as but few vegetables liable to injury from frost were above the ground. Early corn and potatoes were a little scorched.
The Emile brought down a great load of freight for this city yesterday. She took up a large lot of flour. Our wholesale dealers have been furnishing the Leavenworth merchants flour in large quantities.
A New Mexican train loaded with wool arrived yesterday. Almost all the wool of that Territory is bought at Kansas City. Better prices are paid here and better facilities for bailing and storing are afforded here than elsewhere.
Sanitary Ball at Long's Hall, on Friday evening, May 13, 1864. Managers -- Col. J. H. Ford, Col. K. Coates, Hon. M. J. Payne, Maj. Patrick Shannon, Capt. Hall, Col. F. Foster, C. W. Fairman, H. C. Cooper. Floor managers -- Dr. D. Y. Chalfant, J. R. Hamm, E. B. McDill. Tickets $2.
At a meeting of the Relief Fire Company, held Tuesday evening at the store of Mr. S. K. Green, the following officers were elected pro tem: -- Foreman -- J. C. Agnew; First Assistant Foreman -- S. K. Green, Second assistant Foreman, H. W. Cooper; Secretary -- G. G. Crandall, Treasurer -- Matt Foster; Foreman of the Hose -- Mr. Diveley; Assistant Foreman of the Hose -- T. B. Bullene. We are glad to see that this Company has been prompt to perfect its organization. The fitness of the officers elected will hardly be questioned by anyone. We hope soon the ear of the organization of a Hook and Ladder Company.