ARRIVED. - The Santa Fe Stage arrived yesterday, more than three days ahead of time.
We are indebted to Dr. Edward Palmer, of the 2d Colorado regiment, for some valuable documents concerning the United States Sanitary Commission.
Trade was quite brisk yesterday, a goodly portion of which came from Clay county. Our over-the-river neighbors evidently know where to buy goods.
Dr. Wood, yesterday, performed a very successful operation of lithotomy upon the son of John Fay, of Liberty. the boy is nine years old.
Those who can furnish evergreens of any description, for use of the Fair, are requested to leave them at the Market House Monday or Tuesday.
A load of new-fashioned cultivators, just from Eastern manufacturies, passed through town yesterday going into Johnson county, Kansas.
Having been called upon to assist in the Ordination at Westport, there will be no preaching in the Baptist Church this morning. Services in the evening as usual. J. B. FULLER.
A concert was given in Lawrence last Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Missouri Valley Fair. The proceeds were about four hundred dollars. The result was creditable to the liberality of the people, and speaks well for their musical cultivation. The concert was given by the musicians of the city, and we are told was a very superior performance.