WANTED. -- At this office, a good industrious boy to learn the printing business.
Mrs. Eby has left her beautiful silk quilt on exhibition at the store of L. Bullene. It is certainly a very splendid article, and must have taken a great deal of time and labor in its manufacture.
Those who have flags which they are willing to lend to the Sanitary Fair are requested to leave them at Flagler's store. Large and small flags are desired, as many as can be obtained. They should be marked so that they can be returned to the owners after the Fair.
Sanitary Fairs are all the rage. Sanitary Fairs, when gotten up with a view to actually benefit the poor soldier who fights for you who stay at home, should be patronized by everybody. Everybody should give their mite, the rich and the poor, all should do something, and it should be given to in the right spirit. A great many say "I am not able to give anything, everything is so high!" If you would only go and buy your clothing and dry goods at Hammerslough Bros., you would save enough to give very liberally to the Sanitary Fairs and have money left besides. Hammerslough Bros. sell all kinds of goods ten per cent cheaper than anyone else. Go and see them.
Those wishing to buy tickets to bring friends from London, Liverpool, or Cork, to America, can do so by applying to E. W. Pierce, Agent, New York and Liverpool Steamship Company.
Payne & Toler will sell at their rooms to-day, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a large and varied stock of household and kitchen furniture, the effects of a family declining housekeeping. When the Judge rings the bell, bargains are given. He wants a big crowd this morning, and should have it.