There has been no place yet designated where contributions for the Fair can be left. Until further notice, they may be left at this office.
Mr. Eby is preparing to take a large number of "views" in and about the city for the Fair. They will add pleasure and profit to the occasion.
The Soldiers' Aid Society for Westport will meet to-night at the residence of M. T. Graham, at 7 o'clock. A general attendance is requested.
The Emilie comes down loaded every trip. Yesterday morning she filled the levee full of goods. She had a good number of passengers both ways, yesterday.
Mr. Ellinger, living seven miles from Atchison, was robbed of $3,000 by three men. One of them was afterwards arrested at Leavenworth.
A couple of ponies stolen in Wyandot were traced to Leavenworth where the thief sold them The ponies were recovered but the thief escaped.
Among the cheering indications of returning prosperity to our city, is the opening of houses by some of our old business men. We notice that W. J. Jarboe & Brother are fitting up the building lately occupied by the Union Bank, on the corner of Main and Commercial streets where, in a few days, they will open out with a splendid stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, clothing, &c.
Rev. D. P. Mitchell, of Leavenworth, being in town, has been solicited to preach at the Methodist church this evening, and will do so. We hear the Reverend gentleman spoken of as an eloquent speaker and hope a good audience will be out to hear him.
Hammerslough Bros. take the pleasure to announce that they have engaged the services of Mr. V. Bicking, a first class cutter of Philadelphia, to superintend their Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Mr. Bicking has for a number of years officiated as Foreman in a First Class Philadelphia House, and he feels safe in saying that he can give perfect satisfaction to all those who patronize. the business.