Gen. Brown will review the troops stationed at this city to-day.
Two hundred negroes have been recruited in Lexington.
The Kansas Ninth has been ordered to Arkansas, to report to Gen. Steele, at Little Rock.
A rebel prisoner became unruly yesterday and was shot by the guard. He died in half an hour.
A small quantity of new maple sugar has made its appearance in the market. It sells at the modest price of thirty cents per pound.
We are told that the Wyandot ferry boat, which was swept off in the ice a few weeks since was captured at Lexington. It was a new boat and much superior to the one now in use. We hope it will be brought back.
Two soldiers, formerly members of the Sixth Kansas, were taken from the house of A. G. Young, near Lexington last week by five bushwhackers and shot. One of the soldiers was Elzy Sanders, of this county. He enlisted at Westport last May. The other was an old man, whose name could not be learned.