There is a fine stage of water in the river.
City and County Scrip for sale. Inquire at this office.
There is a great scarcity of help in this vicinity. Good hands command high wages.
Company M., Ninth Cavalry M. S. M., under Capt. Hunter, is at present stationed in Rock Port.
An auction sale of stock, grain, household and farming utensils, &c., will take place at Shawnee Mission on the 10th of March.
We are glad to see that the distinguished officer Gen. Sigel, is once more assigned to active duty. He supersedes Gen. Kelly in Western Virginia.
An anonymous patriot has sent $2,500 as a donation to the Government. The receipt of the money is acknowledged by the Secretary of War.
GOVERNMENT VOUCHERS. -- The highest market price paid for Government Vouchers by I. S. Garver & Co., Main St., opposite Union Hotel.
Geo. K. Christopher of the City Drug Store has sold his stock to Dr. Pierce, who will continue the business. Our friend Christopher has bought a drug establishment at Independence. He goes to St. Louis to-day to buy goods.
BRUSH UP.-- There are many little things which in themselves are not very important which yet when combined, go far towards giving character to a town. A town is known as thrifty or otherwise the same as individuals, by their surroundings. Dilapidated buildings, broken fences and yards filled with rubbish, speak as strongly to the discredit of a town as bad streets and poor side walks do its lack of enterprise. While we are active and solicitous to secure the commercial advantages of railroads and other public enterprises, let us not be neglectful of such matters as indicate our love of neat residences, tasteful yards an well kept buildings.