The Spread Eagle arrived yesterday morning, making a quick trip from Saint Louis with a full cargo.
NOTICE FROM HEADQUARTERS. -- All persons who have heretofore received Certificates of exemption from military duty, are hereby notified to report for re-examination. Office in the Recorder's room, Court House. --D. Y. CHALFANT, Examining Surgeon, E. M. M., Jackson Co.
Co. D., of the Minnesota Ninth Infantry, came in from Warrensburg Sunday. We understand that they will remain here. Co. F, of the same regiment, is stationed at Independence.
Notice. -- There will be a meeting of the Union Protection Committee at the Court House, this (Tuesday) evening, at 7 o'clock. Let all members attend, as business of importance will be transacted. By order of the President.
Personal. -- T. H. Sypherd, Esq., editor of the Kansas City Metropolitan, is making a short stay among his old friends. Mr. s. is a ready and graceful writer, and for some months past has been our able correspondent from Washington.
The St. Joe News says, Capt. Wood of the Platte county Paw Paw Militia, arrived last evening with three prisoners in charge: Colcaseer, a noted bushwhacker, A. Owen, a returned Confederate from Price's army, and Joe Barry, formerly of the 5th Missouri, Penick's regiment, but now a jayhawker. They were all taken in Clay and Platte counties, and were lodged in jail last night to await an examination before the Provost.
Leavenworth Described by the Bulletin. -- "It is a notorious fact that our city has been a perfect pandemonium of vice and immorality during the whole administration of Anthony. Look at the records of our criminal courts, sure indices of the state of society by every country, and then say, if you can, in truth, that a reformation has been produced in the morals of our city, by the administration of D. R. Anthony.