Hammerslough Bros sold a bill of goods yesterday of four thousand dollars, to go to New Mexico.
Soldier's Aid Society of Westport will meet on Thursday evening next, at the residence of Mrs. A. Waskeys in Westport, at 7 o'clock p. m. An invitation is extended to all.
It is reported that there was a big row on the steamer Marcella, among the soldiers of the 7th Kansas, between here and Lexington. We are told that the soldiers pitched on to a man by the name of Morrison, threw him overboard, and that he barely escaped with his life.
J. G. Sampson & Co. received the other day a big lot of evergreen trees -- Pines, Spruce, Hemlock, & c., Nothing is more beautiful and ornamental as these evergreens for yards and lawns. They contrast so sharply with the native shrubbery of this climate that they give an effect at once striking and agreeable.
A quantity of stock, valued at five hundred dollars, was stolen from several persons living near Hickman's Mills in this county. Capt. Axline procured an escort from Capt. Hall, 2nd Colorado, also from Capt. Allen, 11th Kansas, and traced the property to thieves in Kansas. The stock and thieves were brought back and placed in charge of Capt .Allen at Santa Fe, who promptly returned the property to the owners and retained the thieves for justice.