The shady side of the street was most agreeable yesterday.
The Fanny Ogden arrived at our levee yesterday morning. She had on a very full load of freight, a great portion of which was for this city. She goes down to-day.
Common whisky sells in Fort Smith for $800 per barrel.
Giles & Co. have sweet potatoes for sale.
Counterfeit Treasury notes, $50 and $100, are in circulation. They are dangerous imitations. Look out for them.
Sunday School this morning in the Christian Church at 9 o'clock; also a meeting of the members of the church at 3 o'clock.
Notice. -- The members of the Unconditional Union Club are hereby requested to meet at Hall's School Room on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Let every one be there. By the order of the President.
According to the Atchison Champion, Mr. Morse and his son were bitten by a rabid dog last week, which also bit several animals. By the timely application of a small mad-stone at St. Joseph the worst symptoms were relieved, and hopes are entertained that no serious results will follow.
OUR RAILROAD: The Emilie brought Locomotive No. 2, the "Delaware," on Sunday last, and on Friday the Emilie and Kansas Valley brought cargoes of iron. We understand that transportation has been secured whereby the iron will be brought along at a more rapid rate that it has been coming.
A gentleman from Paola was in town yesterday purchasing hardware for his mill. He visited Leavenworth, but one f the items which he wanted, he could not find there to suit him, so he came here, where, upon pricing stocks, he found it for his advantage to buy his whole outfit. He found more complete assortments and lower prices here than in Leavenworth.
We are authorized to announce the name of L. Hammerslough, as a candidate for the Council, from the Second Ward; B. L. Riggins, as a candidate for Council, from the Second Ward; Major Patrick Shannon, as a candidate for the council from the First Ward; Bernard Donnelly (present incumbent) as a candidate for the office of City Register; C. Carpenter, Esq., as a candidate for City attorney and Denis O'Brien, as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Marshal at the ensuing April election., at the ensuing April Election.