General Order No. 7, of interest to Steamboat men, was published this morning.
To Mechanics. -- Proposals for erective a brick house will be received by me at my present residence. E. M. McGEE.
Where is that Mail Agent? We received a letter mailed at Marion, Kansas, on the 12th. It ought not to take ten days for a letter to come forty miles.
FOUND. -- Mr. S. T. Rathburn has left at this office a blank book containing letters and papers, which he found in the road between Westport and this city. The owner can get this property by calling and paying for this notice.
Col. R. T. Van Horn, senator from this district, reached home on Sunday. We are glad to see him back again, and his many friends will be pleased to see him looking so well The Colonel is one of our most solid and substantial citizens.
The little tailor shop two doors south of the Postoffice, walked down the street a few rods, and the barber shop from the corner of Fourth and Main streets, took its place yesterday. These moves were made to give place to the new buildings to be erected on the corner of Fourth and Main.
Extensive arrangements are being made to give a fitting reception to our worthy legislators. Messrs. Van Horn, Payne and McGee, on Thursday night, at Long's Hall. It will doubtless be a fine affair, the recipients deserve something grand after their labors for our railroad prosperity. Cards of invitation, and tickets of admission, will be issued today.
We received a call yesterday from Mr. Augusta Bachman, who has just arrived from Tennessee. For some time, since the breaking out of the war, Mr. Bachman has been in the employ of the Government, on the various railroads in Kentucky and Tennessee. Mr. Bachman is a master mechanic and engineer. He has with him letters from the military authorities in whose districts he has operated, and from the officers of the companies and firms with which he has been employed, all of which speak in the highiest terms of his capabilities as a mechanic and sterling qualities as a man. We hope that instead of a temporary visitor to his friends in this city he may be induced to become a permanent citizen among us.