Several persons in Leavenworth have been bitten by mad dogs.
The Independence Stage goes out from here every day, filled with passengers for the east going by the Pacific Railroad.
A Brigadier's salute was fired at Fort Leavenworth, in honor of Gen. Ewing, upon his arrival there.
LOST.-- A large brass key near Headquarters yesterday. Whoever will return the same to this office, or to the Commercial House will be suitably rewarded.
A rumor reached this city yesterday that a gang of guerrillas attacked a foraging train in Lafayette county, killed six of the soldiers, burned the wagons and drove off the mules. Companies went in pursuit of them, but what success they had we have not heard. There is no doubt that small bands of bushwhackers driven from Gen. Ewing's District, have been lurking in the adjoining counties all winter.
The regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held this evening in the school room over Goughoffer's drug store. We trust our business men and property holders will appreciate the importance of attending these meetings. Their objet is to advance the common interests of our city by the united efforts of her citizens. Matters of more than ordinary interest are now on hand. Do not fail to attend.