LOST. -- A Gold Vest Chain with Seal and Key Attached. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at the office of the U. S. Express Company.
Samuel H Holmes has been appointed Assistant Provost Marshal for Clay county, to superintend the enlistment of negro recruits -- headquarters at Liberty.
Col. Wm. Weer, of the Tenth Kansas, has been assigned to the command of the Post at Alton, Ill. We understand that the Tenth suffered quite severely from the cold weather on their recent march from this city to St. Louis. Many of the men were frostbitten.
At a sale on Wednesday last, Mr. J. C. Eagle, Deputy Sheriff, bought twelve miles from the city, sold sheep at five dollars per head, and ricked hemp at $68.25 per ton. So says the Lexington Union.
We would call attention to the hotel card of Messrs. Torrey & Dunbar. These gentlemen intend to make the Union a first-class house. Col. Torrey has long been in the business, and Mr. Dunbar is an energetic business man who will demonstrate that he "can keep a good hotel." The traveling public will do well to give the Union a trial.
We are requested to call attention to the temperance meeting to be held to-morrow evening in the Methodist Church. Captain Hawley of the Colorado second is expected to address the meeting We are told that the Captain is an eloquent speaker and doubtless he will present the temperance cause in a manner to interest his audience. We are glad to know that the temperance movement is accomplishing a good word in our city. Large numbers sign the pledge at every meeting Citizens and soldiers are invited to attend the meeting tomorrow night.