The First Missouri (colored) Volunteers, have left St. Louis for service in Louisiana.
A bill has passed the Legislature giving our State Militia the right to choose their own officers.
The ice in the river is getting soft, but is still crossed by teams. A few more mild days will ruin the free bridge.
There is a great accumulation of dirt and rubbish in the gutters and on the pavement of Main street which ought to be removed. We noticed that Col. Foster had made a commencement in this direction yesterday in front of the Post Office. We hope the example will be followed. The dirt should be carted away and not left in piles to poison the atmosphere, and to be washed back into the gutters again by the first rain.
A rich treat was given us last evening about 11 o'clock, in the form of a serenade by the band of the Kansas 11th. They played several beautiful pieces in front of the Journal office to the great delight of all who had the privilege of listening.
In Court Martial proceedings Private John Moonshine, Co. L, 5th Kansas, was convicted of the charge of quitting his guard, conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. His sentence was confinement on bread and water diet fourteen days; at the expiration of that time he will be marched six hours each day for sixteen days, in front of the Court House in Kansas City, with a ball and chain attached to his leg, with forfeiture of pay.
Private John N. Taylor was Court Martialed for sleeping on post. Sentence -- to have his head shaved and to be dishonorably discharged from the service, with forfeiture of pay. The sentence was mitigated so far as to dispese with the shaving of the prisoner's head.