15,333 letters were mailed at the Lexington P. O. in the last quarter.
Teams to haul ice commanded $7.00 per day last week.
A load of splendid apples were sold on the streets yesterday for $1.25 per bushel.
One hundred and forty negroes have been recruited at Lexington, sixty in the last two weeks.
Co. H. 1st Cav. MSM is stationed at Lexington. The health of the Company is good. Captain Meridith in command of post, Lieut. William Provost Marshal, and Lieut. Teel in command of company.
Please be careful Messrs. Postmasters. The package of our paper directed to Eudora, and put into the office here Friday night, did not reach its destination. The same failure occurred the week before.
The Second Colorado regiment is ordered to this place for service on the Border. A part of the regiment has been engaged during a portion of the past season, giving a good account of themselves. The entire regiment is to be mounted, we believe.
Lost! Lost! -- Sunday, at Independence avenue, or on the road between that place and this city, a musical note book, called the Baritone. The finder will please leave it at the Postoffice at Headquarters in this city. The book belongs to the 11th Kansas Band, and its loss is quite an inconvenience just now.
Capt. Ross of the 11th Kansas Volunteers called on us briefly yesterday. The captain still "holds forth" at Lawrence, and reports favorable from that part of Kansas.
Xenephon Ryalnad and William H. Grigsby, Esq., were admitted to practice at the bar, during the special term of the Circuit Court now in session in Lafayette county.
We are requested by G. F. Smith, U. S. Deputy Collector for this Division, to give notice to all persons in Jackson County who have not paid the Internal Revenue Tax assessed against them, that all due notices have been given, as required by law, and the time limited has expired. It now becomes his duty to proceed to collect the same by distraint, and all those who wish to save their property from being sold forthwith, and avoid additional expense, will read this notice and go immediately to his office in the Court House, Kansas City, and settle up. All Licenses, Income and ad valorem tax is included in this assessment.