We had no Eastern mail yesterday.
Yesterday the weather was wet, muddy and disagreeable. Business was dull, fires well patronized, and the state of the country elaborately discussed.
MILITARY ORDERS. -- By the orders published to-day, it will be seen that the city guard has been placed under the command of Col. Van Horn, and ordered to report for duty.
MARKET HOUSE. -- Among the improvements to this institution, is the marble top stand which distinguishes the butcher's stall of Ross & Truett. This firm always keep the best of meats.
The St. Joseph Herald and Tribue have been consolidated under the title of Morning Herald and Tribune.
THEATRE. -- Notwithstanding the mud, there was a fair audience at Long's Hall last night, and the performance passed off with satisfaction to all. To-night, a capital bill is offered; and we expect to see an overflowing house. The company is by far the best that has ever visited us. The new comedy of "Miriam's Crime," is full of interest and humor, and the manager should repeat it the first fair night.
Briggs & Watson have received by U. S. Express, a lot of late style Ladies' Hats and a fine lot of Furs, which they are selling cheap.
WANTED. -- A good sewer and a good seamstress by Mrs. Miner, on the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets.