NEW COMPANY CITIZENS GUARDS. -- Capt. Thomas Whelan, late of the 7th Missouri Volunteers, is authorized to raise a company of Citizen Guards. Those wishing to join this company, under a veteran officer, will report at the Court House to-day. Turn out at once. Old soldiers are particularly invited to join this company, as it is designed to make it an effective organization.
R. T. VAN HORN, Commander, Citizen Guards.
R. T. VAN HORN, Commander, Citizen Guards.
REVIVAL. -- A Baptist revival is going on in Westport, with much effort.
FALL. -- The fall season has come. Gold has fallen; produce has fallen; dry goods are falling. All these things the people will rejoice.
Two companies of Citizen's Guards were armed with new Enfield muskets last evening. Our citizens are thoroughly armed and ready to resist any ordinary attack.
Our citizens, we are sure, will respond with alacrity and unanimity to the call made by Major Pritchard, commanding. Let every man show himself a man in this crisis.
SENT OFF. -- The prisoners and sick at this post have been sent to Fort Leavenworth. In case of an attack, our military commanders are determined that there shall be nothing to prevent our whole military force being made available.
The weather yesterday was extremely fine, and business good. A great deal of farm produce, wood and forage is coming in, and our streets and stores are crowded with sellers and buyers, despite the rumors of old "Pap's" advance with his destroying thousands.
STOPPED. -- The packet Emilie has stopped running between here and Leavenworth, except on Sundays. Travelers bound east will now have to stage it to Weston, if they go via Leavenworth, St. Joe, &c.