It is rumored that Quantrell is in Randolph county, with 600 men.
The enrolled militia were out on drill yesterday, and presented a fine appearance.
A small eastern mail arrived yesterday, the first we have had for three day.
Matt Foster yesterday laid the latest papers on our table. He has all the late magazines and periodicals.
The Jewish New Year began last Friday evening. Many of our citizens of that persuasion are observing it.
The weather took another cool bath yesterday, and is improving. We are glad to notice the change, without having our eyes filled with dust and other particles of animated nature.
Martin Trale, formerly a resident of this city, and belonging to Capt. Miller's company in the old 25th Missouri, was one of the murdered soldiers at Centralia. He was coming home on furlough.
Business was good yesterday, and the streets crowded all day. The present activity in every branch of trade is very promising, and we trust that Kansas City will feel no more drawbacks to her prosperity.