BUSINESS. -- All business outside of military departments, was suspended to-day by military order. The town has the appearance of a second edition of Goldsmith's "Deserted Village." We trust this will be the case for only a short time. We do not see any military end to be achieved by the restriction of business except so far is it is directly interferes with military operations. Certainly the bakeries, provision stores, &c., should be allowed to be open part of the time, or the community must suffer.
STATION GUARDS ATTENTION! -- Capt. Carpenter's company of station guards will meet for roll call and drill, at 4 P. M., to-morrow, (Saturday) 22 inst., -- all delinquents look out. All members of above company entitled to fresh beef for the last twenty days, will put in an appearance between 8 and 12 o'clock, A. M., to-morrow morning. EDMOND BRYON, Commissary Sergeant.
FIGHTING AT THE FRONT. -- A courier has just arrived this P. M. from the front announcing that skirmishing is going on the Little Blue, east of Independence. Surgeon Akin immediately left for the scene of action Whether this is the commencement of an attack in force, or merely a skirmish, time will develop.
SKIRMISH AT LEXINGTON. -- We learn from a gentleman who participated in the advance of our forces under Blunt, that they had occupied Lexington for a day and a half, before Price's forces attacked them. Our forces contested their advance beyond Lexington, until compelled by disparity of numbers to fall back. The fight was continued on this side of Lexington, our forces falling slowly back and the enemy pressing on as far as Wellington. Artillery was used on both sides. The enemy had rifled cannon. Our loss was supposed to be about forty killed, wounded and missing. Two companies were separated from the main force for a time, which led to the report that they were captured by they were not. Our forces are in constant communication with Gen. Rosecrans, and all are acting in conjunction and harmony.