What a record of violence and crime the local news of Western Missouri now presents. Every paper we take up is full of it.
Work has commenced in the grading of Grand Avenue from Third to Sixth streets. The ravine on Third street is to be filled with dirt drawn from Walnut street.
The jewelry store of Mr. Purley in Leavenworth, was robbed on Monday while the proprietor was gone to dinner. About $5,000 worth of watches and jewelry were stolen.
The Lexington Journal of the 14th, says that on Sunday, the 10th instant, a portion of the 7th M. S. M., under command of Major Houts, having learned that a squad of bushwhackers were attending church, at a meeting on Sni Creek, proceeded to the place and surprised the party, seven in all. They fought desperately. Six were slain, and the seventh escaped through the interference of the women who were in the way. One of the bushwhackers, named Estes, a notoriously desperate fellow, was to have been married, after the service, to the daughter of the minister. He was killed. Curious kind of church and people those must bee. Wilhite was another of the fellows killed -- a notorious bushwhacker.
The meeting to-day in Liberty will doubtless be one of the largest ever held in Clay County. Several of our citizens intend to go over. We learn from gentlemen familiar with the people of that county that great excitement and trepidation exists among them. They begin to see that in the harboring of these lawless fiends o the bush, they have invoked a terrible curse, and are now beginning to look about them right earnestly for some method of escape. Let them come up earnestly to the assistance of the military authorities, expose every man who aids and abets bushwhackers and set their faces as a flit against this murderous business, and it will stop. We are glad to learn that there has been little, if any, destruction of property yet in Clay County, although Platte has suffered severely.
It is with regret we learned that on Monday morning, as Miss Mary Jenkins of Lexington was leaning over an old banister around a second story porch, at her father's residence, talking to her mother who was below, the banister suddenly gave way, precipitating her upon her head on the pavement below. The injury was very serious, and at one time thought to be fatal, but by skillful medical treatment, we are happy to say, she has passed the point of danger, and is now in a fair way of recovery.