WANTED. -- 1500 bushels cider apples; 500 fall apples and 600 winter apples, at the Fruit and Variety store.
APPLES, APPLES. -- I will pay the highest market price, in cash, for fall, winter and cider apples at my cider and vinegar factory south of the post office. -- LOUIS DEANZER.
BUSHWHACKER HUNG IN ST. JO. -- A bushwhacker, named A. J. Bowyer, of Linn county, was hung at St. Joseph on Friday. He made a written confession of his crimes. Justice is beginning to be dealt out to these fellows with a strong hand.
The Leavenworth Times says: "A band of bushwhackers stopped a freight train on the North Missouri Railroad, last Wednesday, and took from it sixty horses on their way to St. Louis for Government inspection."
NEGRO RECRUITING. -- Capt. Hall, Assistant Provost Marshall, is doing a lively business in the forwarding of negro recruits to St. Louis. The whole subject of negro recruiting in this State is now in the hands of Brig. Gen. Ewing, and he is pushing it forward with unusual energy.
The Platte City Male and Female Academy will commence its fall session on Monday, the 12th inst., under the care of Prof. W. C. McKinnis and an able corps of assistants.
THE LIQUOR ORDER. -- Our statement in a past issue of the Journal that Order No. 6 had been revoked or modified, was based upon a statement made to us on the street on Saturday evening by a military officer. No official order to that effect had then been sent to us for publication. It was sent to us yesterday. It has been revoked only so far as dealing with parties outside the district is concerned.