The Westport and the Wyandot omnibuses are both well patronized.
The steamer Marcella came up yesterday. She unloaded quite an amount of freight at our levee.
We regret to hear that Capt. Axline, of Hickman's Mills, was killed by bushwhackers Wednesday night. He had been to a neighbors and was returning home in the evening, when he was waylaid and cruelly murdered. His body was found next day. Capt. Axline was well known throughout Jackson county.
One hundred kegs of blasting powder, for the Pacific Railroad, was brought up on the Marcella yesterday.
We are indebted to Matt. Foster for a valuable map of Virginia, which we find very useful at the present time.
Ross street is opened and in good traveling condition from main street to Grand avenue.
We saw a lot of men yesterday gathering wood from the current of the Missouri. They earned every stick they got.
We are requested to state that Rev. Mr. Nash has been called to the Rectorship of the Episcopalian Church at Wyandot, Kansas, and is now holding regular Sunday services, at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7 1/2 o'clock, p. m., every Sunday. On Sunday next the communion will be administered at the morning service.
Matters in Platte county are in a terrible condition. Leavenworth papers yesterday report that a band of bushwhackers from Buchanan county made a raid upon Arnoldsville and New Market last Wednesday. Six soldiers were killed at the former place. Scores were robbed, horses taken and the arms of the militia captured and destroyed. Weston was in a great state of excitement, expecting that that town would be attacked. A passenger from Leavenworth says the rumor was correct there yesterday, that Weston was attacked the night before, and sixteen citizens killed. We have not heard any confirmation on this part of the story.