Yesterday was about the first real warm day of the season.
The Peoria went up last evening. she is chartered by the Government and is carrying soldiers and supplies for the Indian expedition. She had on yesterday several companies of the 30th Wisconsin.
The Ladies's Aid Society of Westport will meet this evening at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Parker.
Fancy Articles for the Fair. -- All articles now ready for the fancy tables should be sent to Mrs. Diveley's' this week.
W. H. chick & co. have been for several days busily engaged in loading New Mexican trains. The levee has its wanted busy look in front of their establishment.
Any one having counter tables or dinging tables that they will lend for a few days for the use of the Fair, will confer a favor by notifying Dr. Chalfant.
WANTED. -- To employ a Mexican who understands English. For further particulars enquire at the Journal of Commerce office.
We call special attention to the firm of McDonald & Smith, manufacturers of saddles and harness. They re turning out some exceedingly fine specimens of work.
It appears that all the districts in this State have furnished their quota of troops, except St. Louis, and that we have yet about 500 men to furnish.